
  • Jurnal Langue

    The Langue Journal is a scientific journal containing articles in English managed by LPPM of Fakultas Pariwisata dan Bahasa Pogram Studi Sastra dan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pertiwi which is published twice a year in June and December. The articles contained in this journal discuss all issues related to the use of English in the scope of literature, linguistics, cultures, and in English education itself. Most of the contributors involved in writing articles in this journal work as lecturers both from Pertiwi University internally and lecturers from other institutions. This journal was created with the intention of adding to the reader's repertoire of knowledge about the scope of the use of English which is not only used as the language of instruction in international communication but also as a tool for creating a written work with its own beautiful meaning.

  • Jurnal Stars

    Jurnal STARS (Sains, Teknologi dan Arts) adalah jurnal peer reviewed dan Open-Access. Jurnal STARS merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Pertiwi. Jurnal STARS mengundang para peneliti, dosen, dan praktisi di seluruh dunia untuk bertukar dan memajukan keilmuan di bidang sains, teknologi dan arts yang meliputi bidang Information Systems, Decision Support System, Expert system, Decision Support System, Artificial Intelligence System, Data Mining, Image processing, Genetic Algorithms, Designing Information Systems, Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Database System, Big Data, Internet of Thing, Visual Language, Visual Culture, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Visual Communication Design, dan Advertising. Dokumen yang dikirim harus dalam format Ms. Word dan ditulis sesuai dengan panduan penulisan.