
  • Widya Lelisa Army Universitas Pertiwi
  • Sri Anita Universitas Pertiwi
  • Partimah Universitas Pertiwi


Design, Information Systems, Finance


Management of financial data is one of the important activities or processes in an organization, especially business organizations. In this research object, the implementation of tuition fees is collected by the school treasurer where the school treasurer handles all grade levels manually or not yet computerized. Students pay school fees not every month, but when exams are going to be held or every three months, because the requirement to be able to take the exam is to pay the tuition fees. This certainly affects the treasurer's performance, because the manual recording process and reports made in four copies certainly take a lot of time. Meanwhile, this report is needed quickly because it will be used to make student exam cards. To overcome these problems, a system will be designed that will help the treasurer's work in managing school finances. In this system the time needed will be shorter so that reports can be available on time and anticipate treasurer errors.


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How to Cite

RANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENGOLAHAN DATA KEUANGAN . (2023). Jurnal Stars, 2(1 Mei), 24-28. https://jurnal.pertiwi.ac.id/index.php/stars/article/view/191